Intrigued by those elusive silhouettes and wondering what's coming? Well, here's the full list of mastery rewards and what you need to get them for each special animal.
Please note the animals are UNLOCKED in the market, not given as a prize directly.
Please note: ALL sheep including Animal Pen specials and mystery animals give Mastery Points
270 points Mouflon Sheep 1000XP Cost 550 Gold Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 2XP, 50 Coins | 1090 Points Golden Sheep 2000XP Cost: 1000 Coins Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 3XP, 90 Coins | 3450 Points Ram 3000XP Mastery Sign Cost 1600 Coins Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 5XP, 150 Coins |
1200 Points Belted Cow 1000XP Cost: 1600 Coins Tend: 10 Hours Reward: 2XP, 85 Coins | 4830 Points Holstein Cow 2000XP Cost: 2800 Coins Tend: 10 Hours Reward: 3XP, 150 Coins | 15500 Points Big Buff Bull 3000XP Cost 4200 Coins Tend: 10 Hours Reward: 5XP, 225 Coins |
750 Points Spotted Pig 1000XP Cost: 750 Coins Tend: 6 Hours Reward: 2XP, 65 Coins | 2950 Points Giant Hog 2000XP Cost 1300 Coins Tend: 6 Hours Reward: 3XP, 115 Coins | 8540 Points Boar 3000XP Cost 2000 Coins Tend: 6 hours Reward: 5XP, 175 Coins |
80 Points Rhode Island Red 1000XP Cost: 150 Coins Tend: 30 Minutes Reward: 2XP, 25 Coins | 340 Points Speckled Sussex 2000XP Cost: 250 Coins Tend: 30 Minutes Reward: 3XP, 40 Coins | 940 Points Rooster 3000XP Mastery Sign Cost 425 Gold Tend: 30 Minutes Reward: 5XP, 70 Coins |
190 Points Black Moose 1000XP Cost: 50HS Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 8XP, 170 Coins | 6000 Points Red Moose 2000XP Cost 20HS Tend: 2 Hours Reward 15XP, 310 Coins | 18000 Points Elk 3000XP Cost: 75HS Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 25XP, 480 Coins |
1700 Points Gold Badger 1000XP Cost: 10HS Tend: 2 hours Reward: 8XP 145 Coins | 5900 Points Honey Badger 2000XP Cost: 20HS Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 15XP, 260 Coins | 18170 Points Red Panda 3000XP Cost 100HS Tend: 2 Hours Reward: 25XP, 400 Coins |