

Thursday 25 September 2014

Silver Step Out

So, who thought that the most desirable woman on the Frontier would be Granny?!

No, I'm serious... Who thought that... and how do we get them the help they most obviously need?

Anyway, men in white coats aside, it would appear that Granny is having to fight her suitors off with a stick (I'm surprised she's not shot them) and that's made Doc Auburn jealous, he thought he was a shoe-in for Granny's affections and now he has to fight off the challenge of some men with more brawn than brains and whiter teeth than morals...

...and obviously, it's up to us to help!

A popup, inevitably, heralds the arrival...

The arrival is specifically 8 missions, 2 wrappers in a mini thread and a Monday mission (all details HERE)

There's no buildable this week just a decoration, the Speed Date Table...

...which contains a fishing mechanic and the mission manager for this thread.

That will let you keep track of which ones you've done and restart them for either optional repeats or, yes, necessary ones.

There's nothing too far out of the ordinary during the thread, for starters we'll have a new healable chain with one starting point...

...becoming one of two variations that then each become 3 variations of their own. (For all details on what they take check the mission posts).

We'll also have four things we'll craft and send to neighbours, and in return they'll get boosts and crates with goodies in. (again, check the mission pages for specifics or join us at Express for individual guides).

Of course we'll see a new free gift crop, Jasmine, although you'll be glad to hear there's no major drop from them, just a tending requirement.

And finally, a collection with a crate reward giving mission based goodies!

So, lets all get Doc the woman he deserves... and that could be taken one of two ways...

Thursday 18 September 2014

Up, Up and... Crashing Back Down...

I'm not sure if there are three scarier words on the Frontier than "Doc's been thinking"... yes, here we go...

Doc Auburn's had a lot of time on his hands lately and has been watching the birds flying past and migrating and it's occurred to him, that if they can fly, why can't he? (answers on a postcard...)

Well, restraint is not a word Doc knows and so we're soon going to be pulled onboard with his plan to create a flying machine via technical inventions and power experiments...

Well, along with what amounts to gafer taping animals to various bits of equipment, but I think we're ok, PETA didn't exist back then... (although if it did, Bess would definitely be doing one of their naked commercials, you know she would...)

So, as usual, there's a popup to start!

That will kick off a standard three step map mission with 3 series of 4 smaller missions, and then a Monday mission to cap things off (all details HERE). There is a decoration placeable but it's not a build, it's just stick it down and done, Doc's Hangar...

Inside the hanger we'll see the new mission map which will unlock over the next couple days with each mission openable from there (they are repeatable for extra rewards but there are no requirements, it's optional.)

The missions themselves won't be burning any brains as they're good old map missions that we're all used to, some crafting, some requesting and a trio of injured animals, one for each set of missions.

Those will be healed with their own feed so check the mission guide for amounts and crafting requirements.

We'll also get some new reward animals...

...a new free gift crop, Air Fern...

...and some flight based rewards, including our own rideable flying machine and pilot's gear!

Finally, a new collection, the Flight Collection...

So, fly like an eagle! Or, to be honest, drop like a tortoise, either is as likely as the other...

Thursday 11 September 2014

Growing Up Is Hard To Do

Sometimes you just have to accept your little ones are growing up and becoming little adults...

It's time for our oldest child to start wanting to go their own way and have a bit more independence.

So, we're going to give it to them by teaching them that adulthood comes with other responsibilities like looking after their own home and doing homestead chores to pay their way!

As usual, everything starts with a popup...

That will kick off a standard 5 mission thread with a wrapper and a Monday mission (all details HERE) along with a 4 step build, the Tree Fort... (all details HERE).

The missions themselves are fairly simple but will introduce 4 new healables...

Which each become a single new Homestead Animal (no random variations!)

They have two different types of food, the first two use Chore Gear and the second two use Farm Hand Supplies and both of those can be sent to neighbours to become more powerful versions, giving 4 tends per go...

And that's it for new mechanics, as it's all a nice simple thread!

We do have a new free gift crop, Cacao...

A pair of new outfits for those fancy nights out...

And a brand new decoration for our kids to play in...

Finally, we'll be seeing a collection...

...which will grant the new Grown Up Crate that contains bundles of mission based goodies.

So, what are we waiting for? It's growing up time!