It's time to help tenacious Sheriff Mae get her hands on her old flame Birdie in a series of missions to get the dastardly bandits that have been terrorising the land behind bars where they deserve to be!
It'll all kick off with the usual mission popup...
...that will start one overview mission (NO REPEATING!) and 5 basic missions, See details HERE.
It'll also ask you to place the new Jail, ready to build specially for the Gratchett Gang to reside in!
The Jail has four cells you need to build, one for each darn Gratchett and Birdie! See crafting totals HERE.
It'll also have a link to the missions that will lead to you catching the Gratchetts....
There's no new crops or trees, everything we need for items drops from items we already have, but there are three new collections.
One is open from the start, for the Jailhouse itself:
The other two open as they're needed from missions, the first drops from Flax, the second from Corn.
So let's get chasing down some banditos!