

Thursday 24 February 2011

It's almost here - Let's get prepared!

We all love expansions right? If you are anything like me right now, you will NEED some more room. Even if you feel you already have enough space the chances are you are going to want to complete the expansions ASAP. The last expansion was time consuming and came at the same time as a lot of different missions. The 37x37 missions may look less difficult but scratching beneath the surface of the requirements, even the most seasoned Frontierville addict might feel a little panic stricken.

So what will you need and where can you find it? The list of all the missions are HERE so lets break the resource requirements down.

Cloth = 835
Time to start visiting neighbours, turning in cotton/flax/sheep collections, and clicking on as many cloth rewards you can find. You are going to need this to create things like Fire, Beds and Land Grants.

Wood = 1575

You will need wood to make planks and fire which is needed for Powder Kegs, and Feather Beds. Wood is collected when chopping your own or neighbors trees - or collecting from the Daily Bonus at the Sawmill.

Tools = 60
All those times you didn't click on your friends posting on your wall when they unwithered your crops or hired you, will now come back to haunt you. So now is the time to let some crops wither - post up and tell your neighbours that you would really like them to post the reward - you can do the same for hiring. If all else is lost you can redeem your Postcard, Crafting or General Store collections for a few Tools - but I think you ought to talk yourself out of that personally!

Downy Feathers = 10
Saltpeter = 20

Downy Feathers are the reward for turning in either the Goose or the Chicken Coop collections, so you will need 10. Saltpeter is the reward for turning in the manure collection - so if you haven't already it's time to go feed your animals their veggies ;)

Coins for Land Grants = 40'000
Coins for Planks = 25'000

You will need to craft 4 Land Grants in the Land Office once you complete the missions.

However, all is not lost! What about Care Packages I hear you cry?! Well they may come in pretty useful for one of two of the things you need. Take a look HERE to see how they can benefit you. (Please note these are subject to change)

We also have a SHOW YOUR HOMESTEAD AND WIN contest taking place at our Facebook fanpage where you can win all the resource materials - so enter your homestead, get most "likes" and experience a stress free expansion. The one thing we cannot offer you is Cacti, Sorry!

Good Luck Everyone! Happy Expanding!