

Friday 4 February 2011

The 35x35 Homestead is here! ...and a second is coming soon.

Yes, the news you've all been waiting for is here. Just when you thought you couldn't fit any more buildings in here comes the 35x35 Land Expansion! Then (unless you feel like spending 200 Horseshoes) there's another 37x37 coming on the 1st of March.

For all the details on the 5 missions you'll need to complete for those 2 extra tiles in each direction click HERE

For the following 37x37 missions, click HERE

It's safe to say the 35x35 missions are very time consuming (one mission requires selling 80 adult cows, another harvesting 300 Wheat), very resource consuming (15 cakes for example) and will need some very good neighbours as two missions each require collecting THIRTY of an item from neighbour requests.

As for how hard the 37x37's will be... well, frankly I'm speechless so go look for yourself! Be sat down though... ;)

This said there's no reason these shouldn't be long term goals. the Land Expansions are much sought after and have always been some of the longest and hardest missions in the game for obvious reasons.

Are they long? Yes. Are they expensive? Yes. Are they worth it? Definitely!