

Friday, 13 May 2011

The Soldiers are Coming!

Time to do some spring cleaning - The Soldiers are coming!

On their way to Fort Courage on the Oregon Trail, Lt Flintlock and his band of brothers are looking for a place to set up camp. In the time they are here Bess manages to catch the eye of the handsome Lieutenant, giving way to 5 Missions - See the Missions HERE
You will see them arrive at the corner of your Homestead with all their supplies - 

However, they need your help - They need to get cleaned up, and what better way to help than creating them their very own shower! ;)

 You will need these building materials -

Once built, the Soldiers will be able to use it once every 8 Hours. When using the shower you may find energy, water based animals (e.g Frogs), Well building supplies and the Shower Collection -

These missions are another reminder of how close we are to setting off on our own journey to Fort Courage! 
What do you think of this feature? Come and have your say at our Facebook Fanpage!