If my Dad finds out what happened I'm going to be in SO much trouble so first off we need to build me a Hideout where I can keep my head down and out of view before he catches me...
We'll need six things to make a good Hideout...
And once it's completed, let's get some missions done and go find those pesky mustangs, and what I'll do if you help me is give you one of them to ride! We've got three types so pick one of them now and we'll award you it at the end. Be careful though, you only get ONE free horse (we need to make some money after all!) and you can't change your choice, so pick well and pick wisely!
Right, now you've picked we're going to need to work to get those horses back, just click my hideout and click "Trust Meter" to see how you're doing. There are three things we need to do, and we'll need to do them three times each, so once you're done, come back here and click "Restart Missions" to go through it again.
There's also a little bench in my hideout where we can craft all the stuff we need!
Once all the horses are back and all the missions are done, I'll give you your horse! And if you want any more of our horses I'll give you a good price.
And I might just stick around myself, seeing as Dad is spending so much time here...
Finally, there's a few bits and bobs around the hideout, so we might even be able to get together a collection!