

Monday, 3 December 2012

There's Snow Business like...

It's winter time, and we all know what that means on the frontier, lots of chilly white stuff dropping from the sky and having to wrap up warm to ride your Grizzly out and milk the cows!

Hmm, perhaps we were too quick to extinguish those fires...

So, as the snow is here it's time to prepare, it's time to get some snowball fight battlements, keep the homestead looking pretty and keep our insides warm as the outsides chill...

As usual we'll see a popup to kick everything off.

This will start a five step mission thread (all details HERE) and a simple-ish four step build (all details HERE).

The buildable will be the new Snowball Fort...

Which is just one of a huge range of Winter Themed decorations and items that will be appearing on the homestead with this release.

The first up of these is a new Healable flower, the Frosted Poppy, which needs to be saved with the judicious application of Warm Water, a request item.

We'll also see a new Free Gift crop, a new COIN crop and a new mission reward tree...

Oh, and a heap of festive decorations like the Giant Snowball...

...and this little guy, the Snowboarding Rabbit! (C'mon, he's pretty awesome...)

So get your gloves, your hat and your snowballs ready so YOU can win the great Frontier Snowball Fight!