

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Formula Fowl

It's Thanksgiving and we all know what that means, Turkeys!

Of course, when you think Turkeys, only one word springs to mind! Stuffing! Nope, not that. Sprouts! Nope, not that. Pumpkin Pie! Nope, not that.

Oh yeah, Racing! (Hands up if it sprung to mind? No, me neither... but work with me here!)

It seems a big sport on the homestead is Turkey Racing, and we'll be breeding our speedy dinner centrepieces... with a popup of course.

That will start a set of four missions and a wrapper (all details HERE) and a four step build, the Turkey Track (all details HERE).

From here on out it's going to be fairly familiar pattern.

We pick our turkeys from four different types...

...the Classic Stampede Turkey which is open from the start...

...the Buff Stampede Turkey which unlocks during the missions for coins...

...the Slate Stampede Turkey which is a premium item...

...and the Fancy Stampede Turkey which is a premium item, and well yes, it is a Peacock to be fair.

From there they take 34 feeds (either paired up with a neighbour or flying solo) of Fowl Fitness... a mix of 2 Hot Feed, which is found from Chickpeas and Sunflowers, and 3 Gobbler Grow, which is either a request item, or a bad guy from an Austin Powers movie.

Once fed we Race them! And if yours comes first, which here is one that goes over 25mph, then it becomes a Top Turkey (think Gold Bell, Blue Ribbon etc) which we'll need 5 of for the wrapper.

They're storable in the Show Pen, if you have room, so we can pop those Turkeys away with the rest.

Along with the Turkey's we'll get two new items, one crop and one animal, both free gift, mission reward and premium buy.

And TWO new collections with frankly awesome rewards..

So, gird your loins, beg your neighbours and prepare... Turkey Race is Go.