

Thursday, 24 October 2013

All Is Safely Gathered In...

As autumn arrives it's time to settle in and give thanks for the crops and bounty we've received on the Homestead over the Summer with a good old fashioned Harvest Festival.

The table is set, the food is made, the Pandora's Box of devilish Imps has been opened and... wait, what?

Yes, it's the homestead folks, and nothing, but nothing, ever goes quite right.

As usual we'll start with a popup, and when that arrives, things look pretty hunky dory...

It launches a series of five missions then a Monday wrapper (all details HERE), and not so much a build but a 4 stage storyline (all details HERE) which will be tied into a new sideboard on the left hand side, where Storm Crow's Dying Forest is now.

That little art department masterpiece will change and grow as the missions are completed to finish as the perfect little Harvest Festival location.

But yes, back to those little black things running amok. It all starts with something that seems lovely, a big Holiday Basket but sadly someone who's not quite so keen on celebration has set a trap and opening it releases an unending supply of nasty little imps that are breaking our stuff and stealing our food! Looks like we'll have to stop them...

During the missions Pilfered Payloads will appear when clearing Grass, Rocks and Thorns, harvesting the new free gift crop, Harvest Gourds, collecting the Daily Bonus on the Basket and from the mission window.

They'll be opened with Harvest Retrieval Kits (Crafted with 3 Varmint Repellents (Wall Posts) and 3 Produce Baskets which drop from Collared Greens, a new coin crop) but aren't your standard healable item... Each time you heal them they'll change to a different style or a piece of debris on your stead and fire out boosts, crops and other goodies.

If they last through all 4 styles they can also drop a redeemed Imp, who has decided to change their ways and reform!

Of course, by the end of it all we'll have battled and won and have the perfect Harvest festival, just in time for Autumn...

Yes, Monday's mission brings with it something you've been telling us you want! Yes, it's Autumn colours and a pretty leaf covered land that should be easier on the eyes than the drought's cracked earth... But best of all, it's YOUR choice...

At the end of the mission we'll get a special decoration, the Weather Vane...

This wonderful little doodad will have the power to change our homestead for the season, so you can click it once placed and change your Oak Trees to get the yellows, oranges and reds of Autumn/Fall. We've also heard they're looking to add Winter and Spring as well at the right time because they want us to have more customisation options :)

So, what new things will we see? Well, one new free gift crop and one tree... along with one new COIN crop, the Collared Greens.

Along with a new collection!

So... let's eat, drink, be merry and look forward to those gorgeous colours of nature...