

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Let's Go Fly A Kite...

The wind has picked up and it's time for the homesteaders to have a little fun!

Seems the perfect time to teach our kids how to fly kites, although for Doc it's also a good excuse to get some science done!

So, string? Yep. Canvas? Yep. Wood? Yep.

Seems we're good to go! The Kite missions will be three separate threads that run alongside each other, with a wrapper covering over the top of them. The first two threads will release Monday and Tuesday sees number three and the wrapper (all details HERE). As with most of the missions of this kind there's no build to get through.

Each of the threads and the wrapper will give us an interactive kite for out homestead. As well as flying the kite (it follows you around) you can also collect from them for a variety of bonuses.

The first mission involves teaching the family to fly kites...

...and gives the Goat Kite, which drops Goat Allure boosts and other Goat based goodies.

The second thread has Doc following in the footsteps of the great Benjamin Franklin and his "key on a kite" electricity experiments...

which gives us the Franklin Kite.

The third set is Helping Little Crow retrieve her kite from the tree...

...and gives the Crow Kite.

Finally the wrapper...

...which gives us a dragon kite!

There will be one new crop which is a free gift...

...and in the market along with some other goodies.

So, let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height...