Facing up to big mountain men on the Pigskin Park or Granny on the Ice Pond playing ice hockey, it's a breeze.
Rescuing Avalanche victims? Piece of cake.
Facing up to the love of your life's Mom? Now that's scary... and Ted is getting nervous because Annabell Walker, otherwise known as Mommy Bess is visiting the homestead...
As usual it all kicks off with a popup...
That will start a five step mission with a wrapper (all details HERE) and a four step build (all details HERE)
The build will be the Botanical Garden that Ted will build to try and impress Annabell and as a present for Bess...
Although as we go through the missions things don't exactly go smoothly... and we're going to need a fair old fight to help out.
Although, when we do manage to help out and Ted's personality shines through, well, special things happen...
So, propositions aside the next thing Ted has to do is get that botanical garden set up with some Topiary in the Wrapper mission that will release the 13th of Feb.
The topiaries are another random injured item, that start off with a standard bush...
Those are then chopped with 8 Topiary Shears, a request item....
And can then take one of five shapes, three of which will be needed for the wrapper mission itself.
Oh, and finally we will get a new free gift/Premium crop...