

Friday 10 February 2012

Valentines is here!

It's Valentines on the old frontier!

However, we know y'all, and we know full well that Valentines day is something that's a little like Marmite, you love it, or you hate it.

So, we here at Frontierville Express would like to introduce the very first... Frontierville Express INTERACTIVE POST! For full enjoyment of the post please select the option below that best describes you... All the news, satisfaction certified!

If you think "I LOVE Valentines Day"

There's no better time than Valentines to show your love to your spouse, when the world takes on an aura of love!

You've been working hard to build up your frontier but that might not leave too much time for closeness, so lets take this opportunity on the most romantic day of the year to do few little tasks that'll show your other half just what they mean to you!

It all starts with a letter from your spouse, pointing out just how proud and loving they are of you and saying how much they love spending time with you, leading you to want to do even more to rekindle the flame between you.

That'll pop up a new window with another 10 daily mission thread (all details HERE) the kind of which we're well aware, because you KNOW your spouse is worth the work.

Each day will pop up a new mission and each mission gives two rewards that'll be used for special things.

The first item is collecting love notes between you and your spouse, the most valuable thing in the world. Those love notes will both count towards the three overview missions (all details HERE) and each will be a ticket to enter you in the big sweepstakes with a top prize of $2'500!

The other reward is love! Well, love hearts to be precise.... And they'll be used in the brand new Valentines market to fill your homestead with beautiful Valentines decorations and animals to give you a fizzy pink cloud of romance!

We'll also get a new flower in the free gifts! These will be used during the missions...

So what are you waiting for? Show your love and make your spouse a very, very loved up person! As they say, what's more rewarding than rekindling your love?!

If you think "I HATE Valentines Day"

There's no better time than Valentines to show commercially acceptable amounts of buyable love to your significant other to make up for 364 days of only showing your love in ways that weren't made by Hallmark (other companies are available to sell you flattened pieces of tree with a flower on).

You may have been working too hard to take notice of your spouse but now is the perfect time to let the world tell you to show your romantic side!

It all starts with a letter from your spouse, pointing out just how proud and loving they are of you but frankly they're sick of the fact you've spent the last year or so setting up other couples, providing opportunities for adulterous kissing under a big pink tree and spending most of your time around your neighbours homesteads asking to borrow a cup of sugar, some coffee and ugly green curtains... so if you could pay them some attention that would be appreciated...

That'll pop up a new window with the traditional way of showing your adoration, 10 Herculean tasks containing everything you need for Valentines night like candles, alcohol and a few tubs of pistol lubricant. (all details HERE).

Each day will pop up a new mission and each mission gives two rewards that'll be used for special things.

The first item is collecting love notes between you and your spouse, trading bad poetry and plagarised lines from romantic movies you hope your spouse hasn't seen for both items to use in the three overview missions (all details HERE) and each will be a ticket to enter you in the big sweepstakes with a top prize of $2'500!

The other reward is un-anatomically correct hearts! They'll be used in the brand new Valentines market to fill your homestead with saccharine-infused decorative tat and animals, one of which is cute enough to make Walt Disney nauseous, all to give you a cloying pink smog of romance!

We'll also get a new flower in the free gifts for our friends (because nothing says you love your spouse more than sending other people flowers)! These will be used during the missions...

So what are you waiting for? Today is the day you either show your love or face cold shoulders and making your own sandwiches for a year, so best get to it, eh? As they say, what's more rewarding than rekindling your love in a way that keeps card manufacturers and florists in business?