

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Moving Those Heffers...

It's time for the Great Cattle Drive, and your homestead has been picked as the main gathering point!

You need to get everything ready and working for the drive, one of the most important events in Frontier times...

As usual we'll be seeing a popup that kicks it all off.

This kicks off 3 wrapper missions and 8 repeatable missions that appear daily (all details HERE)

There are special rewards when you complete 50% and 100% of the missions, finishing missions I-IV will get you three premium Burly Bulls (The Horseshoe ones) and finishing missions V-VIII will get you the rideable bucking Bull.

We'll also see a bonus giving decoration, the Cattle Gate. This item has a daily bonus that can drop a cow of any age and any type, from a baby standard, all the way up to a fully grown premium like the Cocoa Cow or Holstein.

The Cattle Drive area will replace the Anniversary area on the left hand side and cowpokes will appear over time as you complete missions.

As with all the repeatable missions there's a sweepstakes involved, with each entry being a "cowpoke" that we earn through the missions and will be integral to the three wrapper missions.

We'll be seeing two new free gift/HS items, the Black Bean crop and the Tamarillo Tree...

...and two Collections.

So get the stead set up, the Cattle Drive is coming and we need to make sure it goes right!