

Thursday 5 March 2015

Jack's Memories

Jack's definitely getting wistful and nostalgic as he sorts through all his stuff and builds his new wagon.

He's decided to sit down with his scrapbook and reminisce about all the amazing things that have happened to him over the years on the Frontier.

This translates into a triple set of three missions, played alongside each other, a wrapper and a Monday Mission (all details HERE)

As with all missions of this type we won't have a building but we will have a small decoration, Jack's Scrapbook...

This will then be used to launch the three sets of missions, releasing over the next couple days.

The first set cover Jack connecting back with his niece Bess and her family, the man who finally tamed her, Ted and their wonderful daughter Tess...

Next up Jack takes a look back at the fun things that have happened to him, parties, travel and even marriage (nearly...)

And finally he looks back at the work he's done, connecting with the Wikiwah, taking on politics and, of course, mentoring Storm Crow to do the same.

Each series will reintroduce items from those threads he's remembering, with all the items ones we might already have ready. This also means NO new free gift crop this week.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's help the old geezer remember...